James Rissacher Guitar


jamesrissacher@yahoo.com    or    (518) 222-4895
James Rissacher Guitar

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Calypso Demo

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Classical & Jazz Guitar Demo

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James Rissacher Popular Guitar Demo


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James Rissacher Guitar   


James lives just south of Albany and grew up playing rock, blues, jazz guitar and graduated first chair classical guitar at SUNY Fredonia with honors. Since then over the last 20 years he has performed in classic music venues throughout the U.S and Europe and has recorded with numerous musicians.

James' diverse background in and passion for guitar provides a special avenue for mixing different styles and improvisations within the particular genre he is playing. He likens music to food and needs variety to stay satisfied.

This page last updated on: April 23, 2023

For bookings, lessons, recordings, please call (518) 222-4895 or email: jamesrissacher@yahoo.com